Visitor Parking
Visitor parking is available in the University's two central garages–the Commonwealth Avenue Garage and the Beacon Street Garage. Upon entry to the garage, all visitors must take a ticket. A paid or validated ticket is required to exit the garage.
Parking maps
Garage Parking Rates
Duration | Cost |
0–20 minutes | $0.00 |
20–60 minutes | $6 |
1–2 hours | $12 |
2–3 hours | $18 |
3–4 hours | $24 |
4–7 hours | $28 |
Daily max. | $28 |
Weekend * | $10 per every 12 hours |
*Weekends begin on Fridays at 6 p.m. and end Sunday at 11 p.m. Vehicles left in the garage after this time are subject to ticketing/towing.
**New charges begin at 6:00 a.m every day.
Excludes football gamedays - BC Athletics permit required.
Visitor Policies
- Main Campus visitor parking is only available in Beacon Garage levels 1-3 and Commonwealth garage levels 2-6 in white lined spaces. Upon entry to the garage, all visitors must take a ticket.
- Visitor overnight parking is prohibited on weekdays during the academic year.
- Visitor overnight parking is available only on the weekends during the academic year. No permit required (except home football games). All vehicles must exit the garage by 11:00 p.m. Sunday night. Vehicles left in the garage are subject to ticketing/towing.
- Additional hourly fees restart at 6:00am every day.
- Brighton and Newton campus visitors must have a day-pass displayed on the dash of the vehicle. No overnight parking.
- No other locations are allowed for visitor parking without proper authorization.
- All other areas on campus are permit parking only. Vehicles without a valid BC permit are subject to ticketing.
Pay station locations and payment options
Upon entry to the garage, all visitors must take a ticket. A paid or validated ticket is required to exit the garage. Payment may be made with Visa, MasterCard, or American Express. Cash and Apple Pay are not accepted.
Once payment is made, the pay station will validate the ticket to be used at the exit gate. If paying at the exit gate, gate arms will lift once the payment is processed, and a receipt may be printed by request.
Beacon Garage: Paystation located on 2nd floor next to the exit gate. Payment may also be made by credit card at the exits.
Commonwealth Garage: Paystation located on 1st-floor elevator lobby. Payment may also be made by credit card at the exits.
Validated Ticket Holders
Visitors who have received a barcode validation ticket from a department or had their ticket eletronically validated do not have to make a payment.
Visitors may validate their tickets at the paystation before returning to their vehicle to expedite the exit process. Tickets may also be validated at the exit lane kioks. To validate a ticket, the garage entrance ticket must be scanned first, followed by the barcode validation.
GPS Directions
Beacon Street Garage - 2601 Beacon Street, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Commonwealth Garage - 40 St. Thomas More Road, Boston, MA 02135
Main Gate - 140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Garage Height Clearance
Beacon Garage (Beacon street entrance) - 7'0"
Commonwealth Garage - 6'6"
Special Meetings or Events
For assistance in planning special meetings or events, contact
Vendor/Contractor Parking
All vendors/contractors must have a parking permit to park on campus. Vendors/contractors are responsible for immediate payment of all tickets. Department funds cannot be used to pay ticket fines.
Vendors/Contractors Frequently on Campus
Vendors who are frequently on campus will be issued a GVC-G (Vendor/Contractor) permit. This permit will apply to consultants as well as engineers, architects, service/maintenance providers, sales representatives, etc.
Permits are available for $125.00 per month. Based on some project needs, vendor/contractors will be restricted to specific parking areas. Main Gate/Middle Campus access is restricted and parking must be prearranged as needed through Transportation and Parking.
Vendors/Contractors—One-Time Site Evaluation or Walk-Through
Departments should direct vendor/contractors (includes consultants, engineers, architects, etc.) to visitor parking. If Main Gate access is required, they must contact the Transportation and Parking office via Information needed includes dates, first and last name, location, and Department contact person.
Drop-Off Deliveries in Clearly Marked Company Vehicle
Driver is to be instructed to check in with gate attendant. Parking is permitted for up to one hour only in service/delivery area. If a delivery or service call requires more than one hour to complete, the Transportation and Parking Office must be contacted via to prevent ticketing and/or towing.
Failure to adhere to Boston College permit and parking rules and regulations will result in loss of all on-campus parking privileges and cancellation of permit.
Lost or stolen permits must be reported to the Transportation and Parking Office and BCPD. Replacement cost is equal to face value of permit.
Student Visitor Parking
Due to space limitations, Boston College does not have parking available to provide for visitors of students during the week.
A "visitor" is defined as anyone who is NOT a full- or part-time student, faculty, or staff member. Undergraduate students living on campus or within one mile of public transportation and resident students are not eligible for permits and are not eligible to park as visitors on campus.
Transportation and Parking recommends using our website to look at parking areas nearby that are safe and secure. Rates and distance from campus vary, but we encourage you to utilize them and not park on city streets in the interest of being a good neighbor.
On-Site Security and Assistance
Both garages have security cameras at exit points that are not routinely monitored. In the event of an emergency, there is a call button located on the exit ticket column that connects to the BCPD Communications Center along with several blue light phones located throughout both garages for emergencies that connect to the BCPD Communications Center.
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